Ivey was able to wear the Campbell Family gown for her dedication on sunday. It was really a special moment since Jim wore then same gown when he was a baby and his initials and birthdate are embroidered on the gown. She was perfect and looked like a baby doll. Special thanks to Aunt Nee, who made the gown by hand, and let us borrow it for this special occasion.
This was my first shoot after having baby #2. I was worried that the rain forecasted for outside would really effect the amount of light inside. It actually turned out ok and this sweet little guy could not have acted better!
Angela developed a passion for photography at an early age. She was always snapping away to capture those special moments of high school and college. She later spent 4 years in Tuscany and there fell in love with landscape photography. What is not to love about every picture of Italy? It wasn't until she had her first child that her passion for photography found a new subject.... children. What better moments to capture than the innocent, pure moments of childhood!